Thursday, January 28, 2010

Update to yesterday's blog about the KSM trial in NYC

Copy and paste the above link into your browser.

One billion dollars. Yes, you read that correctly. One billion dollars to put a cockroach on trial in NYC. One billion dollars and the Mayor does not want the trial here in the first place.

During yesterdays farce of the union Obama said that this countries elected officials were put in power to serve the people. Which people are those? Khalid Sheik Mohammad?

The mayor announced that he is going to cut 4000+ city jobs. People don't have money to pay their rent. National UE is above 10%, and the price tag to protect our citizens from this piece of shit is 1 billion dollars?

This situation is so absurd it's almost funny. Unfortunetly, it's also very tragic and nauseating.

1 comment:

  1. "One billion dollars. Yes, you read that correctly. One billion dollars to put a cockroach on trial in NYC. One billion dollars and the Mayor does not want the trial here in the first place."

    Well put George! This whole thing (trial in NYC for the "cockroach") should be scrapped asap. But dont hold your breath, as Obama still has 3 more years as President, before he is voted out.

