Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I expect that for an extended period of time, the only people who will visit this blog will be me, and possibly my deaf Aunt from Wisconsin ( who doesn't know how to use a computer).

If and when anyone else decides to take interest-- This is my house as well as yours. My ODD blog is by and for the people-- and since most people are assholes, I expect that you will respond in kind.

However, while freedom of speech is pretty much absolute around here, please do not abuse it.

No Spam, blatantly racist or harassing postings are allowed. Now, that does not mean you are not allowed to ridicule, insult, berate or poke fun at me or anyone else who posts here. Just keep it within reason please. If you're smart enough to read and use a computer, I think you can figure it out.

All topics are up for grabs-- However, my primary focus will be on politics, personal observations, sports and entertainment.

Warning: I will also go on off topic rants that are totally unrelated to the aforementioned topics. Feel free to remind me that a straight jacket and psychotropic drugs would be more suitable for treating my condition instead of blogging.

Conspiracy theorists, eccentric outcasts, convicted felons and other social pariahs are welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Damn dude, didn't expect you to open the door to SAMSON with your blog. I'm guessing the moment he reads that last sentence (assuming he doesn't think you're Illuminati - as the sight is awfully dark), he'll start spamming your blog with articles about secret space aliens who live inside your earlobes and whisper NWO "things".

    Eh...always assumed you were straight too. At least from your posts on the sexy board. But bellydancing...? Please tell me you're just there for all the hot babes.

