Thursday, January 28, 2010

A third party?

I think that by and large the majority of Americans are moderate to liberal on social issues, fiscally conservative and do not favor big government.

With that being the case, why is it almost impossible to find a politician (let alone a President) that fits the model most of us want in an elected official? If the government is elected by the people for the purpose of serving the people, why is it that Washington is filled with con artists and blood suckers that refuse to serve the best interests of the people?

I think the answer is self evident. Take the election of Barak Obama for instance. GW Bush was a disaster. He expanded the size of government, increased the deficit,made several questionable decisions from a foreign policy standpoint, and at times appeared to be totally incompatent. In addition, many Americans took issue with the measures implemented by the Bush administration after 911 to fight terrorism and last but not least, the financial meltdown occured on his watch (although in my opinion the democrats in the Senate are just as culpable).

Furthermore, by world opinion standards ( where America is blamed, ridiculed and hated for anything that happens anywhere anytime anyway) Bush jr. alienated the world community. In terms of executive experience, GW was the former Govenor of Texas and also ran the Texas Rangers MLB franchise. Lets also not forget the things about GW that make the hyper-educated sophistos on the Upper East Side of Manhattan spit out their non-fat soy mocha lattes all over their abercrombie chinos in contempt-- The Texas drawl, the evangelical born again schpiel, the cowboy hat, and other assorted American red neck stereo types. Can you imagine them twisting their faces? "Ewww, he's not my president!" Last but not least, there is GW's blue blood background.

So now, we have the anthiesis of GW Bush. A young, good looking, suave, sophisticated Black former constitutional law professor from the South Side of Chicago. No blue blood line here. Obama is a former community organizer and activist who's given birth name was Barry. However, Barry Obama became Barak Obama in order to get in touch with his African roots. Also, Barak Obama's middle name is Hussein. And don't worry about Obama being one of those evangelical born again types. Reverand Wright's position as Obama's spirtual advisor for the past 20 years complete with lovely sermons about the evils of Whites, Jews and America in general really helped shape Obama's ability to connect with your average American ( Insert the font for sarcasm). Obama's daddy was never President of the U.S. either. In fact, it appears that Obama did not have much of a relationship with his muslim father at all. Well, at least members of the media won't have to refer to him as Barak H. Obama just in case people get confused about which President is being discussed. Last but not least, Obama was elected President despite the fact that he had zero executive experience in the public or private sectors. Obama went from state senator, to junior senator, to President in the blink of an eye.

So we went from one extreme-- A milky white trust fund retard (who appears to be the only one in his family with a down home Texas accent)that could connect with your average American TO Barak Hussein Obama, an ivory tower revolutionary with a similar name to the loveable middle eastern dictator America has gone to war with twice in the past two decades. Whereas Bush gave many speeches where he sounded as if he was in the middle of auctioning off a donkey on Green Acres, Obama is a brilliant speaker and orator of the highest caliber. Obama is, or was rather, the annointed one, the American dream, the biggest celebrity in the world--- For a while it seemed like Candidate and then President Obama was just like the banks and insurance companies that he opted to donate several billon dollars of our tax money to. Obama was too BIG to fail.

Not only that, for a while it appeared that Obama was too popular to fail. He went on apology tours across the globe to engender good will with valuable allies such as Egypt ( again insert sarcastic font) and staunch defenders of freedom and democracy such as France. He also made it a point to kiss Iran's ass and deflect the nasty rhetoric that eminated from GW's administration. Obama wanted to reset the relationship with Iran and change American policy. No more refusals to engage Iran at the bargaining table! Also... no more mean spirited and divisive antedotes such as the "Axis of evil"!

Now that the date rape drugs have worn off from the election and America is starting to pay attention to what Obama is doing, is he any different from GW Bush?

Last November we went out and picked up the woman of our dreams. Sure we drank a little bit more than we should have. But it's tough trying to forget about a long term ex girlfriend. When we got home and woke up the next morning, the same exact girl that had just broken our hearts for 8 years was laying next to us.

The size of the US government is now out of control by even your most liberal of standards and the deficit has increased exponentially ( GW's excuse was fighting two wars, Obama has managed to skyrocket it even further-- his excuse is a bad economy). Just as many in this country did not want the war in Iraq and GW pushed for it anyway--- Obama has done the same exact thing with domestic legislation. GW screamed about National Security--- WMD's, an imminent threat and other such hogwash about Iraq. Obama yelled and screamed and toured the country insisting that if the stimulus bill et al. was not passed, all hell would break loose. Using a big scary emergency to dupe the American people is a tactic politicians have been using since this country was founded. One used terrorism as an excuse to vastly expand the government and increase the deficit and the other is using the economy as an excuse to bankrupt the country.

As far as promises go, Obama claimed Guantanamo would close-- It hasn't and I am betting that it won't-- at least not during the time he's in office. Obama claimed that oversight in the private sector would be increased, especially with respect to banks. So what did he decide to do in order to acomplish that end? He kept most of the Bush apointees and made Tim Geithner our treasury secretary.

PS-Obama's sucking up tour has done absolutely nothing to help America in terms of foreign policy or improving our standing in the world. For starters the Olympic trip was an embarassing moment for this country if there ever was one. As millions of American's turned on the news to watch video footage of a teenage honor student being beaten to death in the streets of Obama's home town, he and the first lady were abroad unsucessfully lobbying the international community to have the Olympics in Chicago. In further developments;Iran is sprinting toward a nuke, the Coppenhagen summit was a disaster,the Islamic community still hates us and has done absolutely nothing to take it's foot off of the throat of women or free speech, Russia has blatantly refused to assist us when we have asked for help, Pakistan is on the verge of collapse, Afghanistan is turning into Vietnam and North Korea is as defiant as ever. When the President of France stands before the UN and chastises the President of the United States for being reckless and unrealistic in his approach toward an agressive dictatorship that is in the process of creating nuclear weapons, it's time to pinch yourself to make sure your not having a nightmare.

So, Bush was all balls and Obama is all brains. Bush appealed to your average American, Obama appeals to the young and progressive. Bush was agressive and Obama is passive.

But as stupid as Bush appeared to be, and as smart as Obama pretends to be, look at their records after one year. Tranparency, hope, change= Nonsense.

Are you noticing a trend? Two completely different men, two completely different appearences, two totally different personalities, but the same exact bullshit.

Incompatence (Im not even going to start a tirade on the comical Obama apointees that have been indicted, forced to resign or that are under investigation- or the rampant fraud and waste from the stimulus bill), arrogance, fear mongering, and bad results.

But you know what? We only have ourselves to blame.

The American public was so angry with Bush and the GOP and so obssessed with Obama, that Obama could have chosen Charles Manson as his VP, and nobody would have batted an eye.

The problem is that the American public behaves like a small child. Fickle in temperment, easily fooled, obsessed with big shiny objects, larger than life personas and absurd promises-- America has a short memory, an even shorter attention span and loves style over substance. American culture is one of excess and extremes.We took one bad extreme in Bush, gave him two terms ( largely because Kerry was an even more sickening proposition)and when he failed, we replaced him with a 180 degree opposite with the childish belief that the other side of the lunatic fringe would somehow fix the country... Well, it should have worked-- right? I mean Barak Obama is clearly not GW Bush.

We ignored the questionable personal associations,political allies such as the bride of Frankenstein Pelosi and Scrotum face Harry Reid, the lack of experience and the ultra liberal voting record and instead got caught up in the celebrity status, the big stupid slogans and punishing the party that was at the helm when the financial meltdown unfolded. Like a child who fell asleep playing video games instead of studying for the spelling test the night before, we needed someone to blame-- And so we chose to direct the anger toward Satan himself, GW Bush.

Like so many small children do, we cut off our nose to spite our face. We were not paying attention and now we are paying the price.

The recent increase in the publics collective conciousness with respect to holding our elected officials accountable is quite refreshing. The Senate election in MA demonstrated irrefutably that people are not going to blindly vote D or R just because they have done so in the past. Independants elected Obama and they won the MA Senate seat for the GOP-- effectively derailing Obamacare (for now anyway).

My sincere hope is that the recent popularist backlash is a permanent shift in the way Americans vote during all future elections on the city, state and federal levels. If this latest shift in the publics attitude is just another mindless trend that is going to leave just as quickly as it entered, then we, and by we I mean all American's, should just shut up and keep eating the bullshit we are being fed by our politicians.

If we are not willing to take an active interest in the people that we put into power, then we deserve to be taken advantage of. No more mindless D or R button pushing--- It is time to plant our own flag in the ground and make our voices heard. The excuse that there isn't a viable third party candidate isn't an excuse anymore. Independents are deciding Senatorial, Congressional and Presidential elections. If there was ever a time in this countries history to make the political landscape a three team race, it's now.

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