Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The battle for hearts and minds is pointless when those you are trying to win over possess neither- George Whorewell Circa 2009

With the plethora of problems facing President Obama and the first state of the union adress of his tenure only hours away, the impending trial of 911 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammad being forcefed to NYC has largely been ignored by the media.

Thankfully, not everyone is ignoring my biggest gripe with Obama and his cronies-- The handling of national security issues, the KSM trial and his stance against terrorism.

As Michael Goodwin points out in today's NY Post, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly and Mayor Bloomberg were never even asked for their opinion or consulted about the KSM trial.

Out of thin air Bloomberg and Kelly were telephoned on the same day and told that the trial would be happening in NY federal court. Beyond my own outrage about how reckless, stupid and pointless having a civilian trial in NYC is, the arrogance of Obama and his idiot apointee Eric Holder are what really drive me crazy.

Holder, who testified before Congress a few months back and could provide no logical explanation as to why KSM should be tried in a Manhattan court room in light of the fact that he had already agreed to plead guilty before a military commission and face execution, could only respond by saying that KSM doesn't get to decide how he is prosecuted. Great answer! The monstrous security risks, the hundreds of millions of dollars the trial will cost the city, state and federal government, giving constitutional rights and an open forum to a trio of Islamic psychopaths that will use the trial to degrade America and the memory of those killed on 911--- these issues are all of scant concern to AG Holder. What's important is that KSM not be able to choose how he is prosecuted. Holder neglected to mention that the white shoe 500 dollar an hour law firm he worked for prior to his selection as AG is one of the firms doing pro bono work for Guantanamo detainees. Coincidence?

Treating brainwashed fanatics hell bent on a global political agenda like shop lifters and bank robbers is not only absurd from a legal and moral standpoint. From a logistical standpoint it goes without saying that having a civilian court trial for KSM in NYC is also extremely dangerous and irresponsible. NYC is already a location that makes terrorists and would be terrorists salivate. One would think that two attacks on the twin towers make that point obvious. Having this sham of a trial makes NYC an even bigger target.

But in my opinion, what makes the trial of the 911 masterminds even more ridiculous is the President and AG's refusal to discuss the trial with the mayor or Chief of police in the city where 911 took place. New Yorkers do not want these animals tried in a civilian court room a couple of hundred feet away from ground zero. New Yorkers do not want a five year long circus trial that puts their lives and the lives of their families at risk every day the proceedings continue. New Yorkers do not want to allow this subhuman slime to use the court room as a soap box to demonize America and to use the memory of those killed as a propaganda tool for insane muslim fundamentalists.

But-- Just like this administration was determined to pass healthcare legislation regardless of the publics opinion (until the election in MA put the brakes on that), our voice does not matter.

John Bolton's oped in today's Daily News also gives a brilliant analysis of the Obama administrations incoherent and incompatent (to borrow a phrase from Bolton) plan to fight terrorism. The article can be viewed here:

The title of this posting has to do with what I believe is a totally moronic strategy to utilize when fighting terrorism. Terrorists don't fly the flag of a country, they fly the flag of an agenda. Islamic terrorists as well as their sympathizers and supporters are not going to hold hands with the rest of the world because KSM is receiving a civilian trial. I mean, how fucking naive and stupid is that point of view? Does anyone seriously think that in between suicide bombings and video taped be-headings, an Al Qudea leader is going to magically see the error in his ways and renounce his desire to kill innocent people for the advancement of his warped political and religious beliefs? How about someone that just gives passive support to Al Queda in the form of funding? Will that individual stop donating money to help fuel the cause because KSM gets a lawyer and a jury trial?

We are at war with these people. Until we come to grips with that fact, and accept the reality of the situation, 911 will be nothing but a campaign slogan or a number to call when your neihbor falls and breaks his hip. One lesson that must be learned sooner rather than later is that a war against a clandestine, globalized enemy which is embedded in the civilian population can't be won with suicidal gestures of goodwill designed to make America appear like the "good guys" ( which in itself is an absolute joke-- anyone with the brain of a flea should be able to tell what side America is on)and other pompous displays of virtue that allow our enimies to take advantage of us.

The attempted Xmas bombing provides further evidence that the "hearts and minds" argument is horseshit. The wealthy, well educated son of a banker volunteered to carry out this attack. Apparently the news that Eric Holder was going to try KSM in civilian court didn't move him very much.

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