Saturday, January 30, 2010

Carl discusses the biggest sporting event of the year

How can you not love Carl?

Friday, January 29, 2010

My favorite columnist nails it again

Defund the KSM terror trial: It's the way to tell Obama to stop trivializing the war

Charles Krauthammer

NY Daily News--

Friday, January 29th 2010, 4:00 AM

The real scandal surrounding the failed Christmas Day airline bombing was not the fact that a terrorist got on a plane - that can happen to any administration, as it surely did to the Bush administration - but what happened afterward when Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was captured and came under the full control of the U.S. government.

After 50 minutes of questioning Abdulmutallab, the Obama administration chose, reflexively and mindlessly, to give the chatty terrorist the right to remain silent. Which he immediately did, undoubtedly denying us crucial information about Al Qaeda in Yemen, which had trained, armed and dispatched him.

We have since learned that the decision to Mirandize Abdulmutallab had been made without the knowledge of or consultation with (1) the secretary of defense, (2) the secretary of homeland security, (3) the director of the FBI, (4) the director of the National Counterterrorism Center or (5) the director of national intelligence (DNI).

The Justice Department acted not just unilaterally but unaccountably. Obama's own DNI said that Abdulmutallab should have been interrogated by the HIG, the administration's new High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group.

Perhaps you hadn't heard the term. Well, in the very first week of his presidency, Obama abolished by executive order the Bush-Cheney interrogation procedures and pledged to study a substitute mechanism. In August, the administration announced the establishment of the HIG, housed in the FBI but overseen by the National Security Council.

Where was it during the Abdulmutallab case? Not available, admitted National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair, because it had only been conceived for use abroad. Had not one person in this vast administration of highly nuanced sophisticates considered the possibility of a terror attack on American soil?

It gets worse. Blair later had to explain that the HIG was not deployed because it does not yet exist. After a year! I suppose this administration was so busy deploying scores of the country's best lawyerly minds on finding the most rapid way to release Gitmo miscreants that it could not be bothered to establish a single operational HIG team to interrogate at-large miscreants with actionable intelligence that might save American lives.

Travesties of this magnitude are not lost on the American people. One of the reasons Scott Brown won in Massachusetts was his focus on the Mirandizing of Abdulmutallab.

Of course, this case is just a reflection of a larger problem: an administration that insists on treating Islamist terrorism as a law-enforcement issue. Which is why the Justice Department's other egregious terror decision, granting Khalid Shaik Mohammed a civilian trial in New York, is now the subject of a letter from six senators - three Republicans, two Democrats and Joe Lieberman - asking Attorney General Eric Holder to reverse the decision.

Lieberman and Sen. Susan Collins had written an earlier letter asking for Abdulmutallab to be turned over to the military for renewed interrogation. The problem is, it's hard to see how that decision gets reversed. Once you've read a man Miranda rights, what do you say? We are idiots? On second thought . . .

Hence the agitation over the KSM trial. This one can be reversed and it's a good surrogate for the Obama administration's insistence upon criminalizing - and therefore trivializing - a war on terror that has now struck three times in one year within the United States, twice with effect (the Arkansas killer and the Fort Hood shooter) and once with a shockingly near miss (Abdulmutallab).

On the KSM civilian trial, sentiment is widespread that it is quite insane to spend $200 million a year to give the killer of 3,000 innocents the largest propaganda platform on Earth, while at the same time granting civilian rights of cross-examination and discovery that risk betraying U.S. intelligence sources and methods.

Accordingly, Sen. Lindsey Graham and Rep. Frank Wolf have gone beyond appeals to the administration and are planning to introduce a bill to block funding for the trial. It's an important measure. It makes flesh an otherwise abstract issue - should terrorists be treated as enemy combatants or criminal defendants? The vote will force members of Congress to declare themselves. There will be no hiding from the question.

Congress may not be able to roll back the Abdulmutallab travesty. But there will be future Abdulmutallabs. By cutting off funding for the KSM trial, Congress can send Obama a clear message: The Constitution is neither a safety net for illegal enemy combatants nor a suicide pact for us.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A third party?

I think that by and large the majority of Americans are moderate to liberal on social issues, fiscally conservative and do not favor big government.

With that being the case, why is it almost impossible to find a politician (let alone a President) that fits the model most of us want in an elected official? If the government is elected by the people for the purpose of serving the people, why is it that Washington is filled with con artists and blood suckers that refuse to serve the best interests of the people?

I think the answer is self evident. Take the election of Barak Obama for instance. GW Bush was a disaster. He expanded the size of government, increased the deficit,made several questionable decisions from a foreign policy standpoint, and at times appeared to be totally incompatent. In addition, many Americans took issue with the measures implemented by the Bush administration after 911 to fight terrorism and last but not least, the financial meltdown occured on his watch (although in my opinion the democrats in the Senate are just as culpable).

Furthermore, by world opinion standards ( where America is blamed, ridiculed and hated for anything that happens anywhere anytime anyway) Bush jr. alienated the world community. In terms of executive experience, GW was the former Govenor of Texas and also ran the Texas Rangers MLB franchise. Lets also not forget the things about GW that make the hyper-educated sophistos on the Upper East Side of Manhattan spit out their non-fat soy mocha lattes all over their abercrombie chinos in contempt-- The Texas drawl, the evangelical born again schpiel, the cowboy hat, and other assorted American red neck stereo types. Can you imagine them twisting their faces? "Ewww, he's not my president!" Last but not least, there is GW's blue blood background.

So now, we have the anthiesis of GW Bush. A young, good looking, suave, sophisticated Black former constitutional law professor from the South Side of Chicago. No blue blood line here. Obama is a former community organizer and activist who's given birth name was Barry. However, Barry Obama became Barak Obama in order to get in touch with his African roots. Also, Barak Obama's middle name is Hussein. And don't worry about Obama being one of those evangelical born again types. Reverand Wright's position as Obama's spirtual advisor for the past 20 years complete with lovely sermons about the evils of Whites, Jews and America in general really helped shape Obama's ability to connect with your average American ( Insert the font for sarcasm). Obama's daddy was never President of the U.S. either. In fact, it appears that Obama did not have much of a relationship with his muslim father at all. Well, at least members of the media won't have to refer to him as Barak H. Obama just in case people get confused about which President is being discussed. Last but not least, Obama was elected President despite the fact that he had zero executive experience in the public or private sectors. Obama went from state senator, to junior senator, to President in the blink of an eye.

So we went from one extreme-- A milky white trust fund retard (who appears to be the only one in his family with a down home Texas accent)that could connect with your average American TO Barak Hussein Obama, an ivory tower revolutionary with a similar name to the loveable middle eastern dictator America has gone to war with twice in the past two decades. Whereas Bush gave many speeches where he sounded as if he was in the middle of auctioning off a donkey on Green Acres, Obama is a brilliant speaker and orator of the highest caliber. Obama is, or was rather, the annointed one, the American dream, the biggest celebrity in the world--- For a while it seemed like Candidate and then President Obama was just like the banks and insurance companies that he opted to donate several billon dollars of our tax money to. Obama was too BIG to fail.

Not only that, for a while it appeared that Obama was too popular to fail. He went on apology tours across the globe to engender good will with valuable allies such as Egypt ( again insert sarcastic font) and staunch defenders of freedom and democracy such as France. He also made it a point to kiss Iran's ass and deflect the nasty rhetoric that eminated from GW's administration. Obama wanted to reset the relationship with Iran and change American policy. No more refusals to engage Iran at the bargaining table! Also... no more mean spirited and divisive antedotes such as the "Axis of evil"!

Now that the date rape drugs have worn off from the election and America is starting to pay attention to what Obama is doing, is he any different from GW Bush?

Last November we went out and picked up the woman of our dreams. Sure we drank a little bit more than we should have. But it's tough trying to forget about a long term ex girlfriend. When we got home and woke up the next morning, the same exact girl that had just broken our hearts for 8 years was laying next to us.

The size of the US government is now out of control by even your most liberal of standards and the deficit has increased exponentially ( GW's excuse was fighting two wars, Obama has managed to skyrocket it even further-- his excuse is a bad economy). Just as many in this country did not want the war in Iraq and GW pushed for it anyway--- Obama has done the same exact thing with domestic legislation. GW screamed about National Security--- WMD's, an imminent threat and other such hogwash about Iraq. Obama yelled and screamed and toured the country insisting that if the stimulus bill et al. was not passed, all hell would break loose. Using a big scary emergency to dupe the American people is a tactic politicians have been using since this country was founded. One used terrorism as an excuse to vastly expand the government and increase the deficit and the other is using the economy as an excuse to bankrupt the country.

As far as promises go, Obama claimed Guantanamo would close-- It hasn't and I am betting that it won't-- at least not during the time he's in office. Obama claimed that oversight in the private sector would be increased, especially with respect to banks. So what did he decide to do in order to acomplish that end? He kept most of the Bush apointees and made Tim Geithner our treasury secretary.

PS-Obama's sucking up tour has done absolutely nothing to help America in terms of foreign policy or improving our standing in the world. For starters the Olympic trip was an embarassing moment for this country if there ever was one. As millions of American's turned on the news to watch video footage of a teenage honor student being beaten to death in the streets of Obama's home town, he and the first lady were abroad unsucessfully lobbying the international community to have the Olympics in Chicago. In further developments;Iran is sprinting toward a nuke, the Coppenhagen summit was a disaster,the Islamic community still hates us and has done absolutely nothing to take it's foot off of the throat of women or free speech, Russia has blatantly refused to assist us when we have asked for help, Pakistan is on the verge of collapse, Afghanistan is turning into Vietnam and North Korea is as defiant as ever. When the President of France stands before the UN and chastises the President of the United States for being reckless and unrealistic in his approach toward an agressive dictatorship that is in the process of creating nuclear weapons, it's time to pinch yourself to make sure your not having a nightmare.

So, Bush was all balls and Obama is all brains. Bush appealed to your average American, Obama appeals to the young and progressive. Bush was agressive and Obama is passive.

But as stupid as Bush appeared to be, and as smart as Obama pretends to be, look at their records after one year. Tranparency, hope, change= Nonsense.

Are you noticing a trend? Two completely different men, two completely different appearences, two totally different personalities, but the same exact bullshit.

Incompatence (Im not even going to start a tirade on the comical Obama apointees that have been indicted, forced to resign or that are under investigation- or the rampant fraud and waste from the stimulus bill), arrogance, fear mongering, and bad results.

But you know what? We only have ourselves to blame.

The American public was so angry with Bush and the GOP and so obssessed with Obama, that Obama could have chosen Charles Manson as his VP, and nobody would have batted an eye.

The problem is that the American public behaves like a small child. Fickle in temperment, easily fooled, obsessed with big shiny objects, larger than life personas and absurd promises-- America has a short memory, an even shorter attention span and loves style over substance. American culture is one of excess and extremes.We took one bad extreme in Bush, gave him two terms ( largely because Kerry was an even more sickening proposition)and when he failed, we replaced him with a 180 degree opposite with the childish belief that the other side of the lunatic fringe would somehow fix the country... Well, it should have worked-- right? I mean Barak Obama is clearly not GW Bush.

We ignored the questionable personal associations,political allies such as the bride of Frankenstein Pelosi and Scrotum face Harry Reid, the lack of experience and the ultra liberal voting record and instead got caught up in the celebrity status, the big stupid slogans and punishing the party that was at the helm when the financial meltdown unfolded. Like a child who fell asleep playing video games instead of studying for the spelling test the night before, we needed someone to blame-- And so we chose to direct the anger toward Satan himself, GW Bush.

Like so many small children do, we cut off our nose to spite our face. We were not paying attention and now we are paying the price.

The recent increase in the publics collective conciousness with respect to holding our elected officials accountable is quite refreshing. The Senate election in MA demonstrated irrefutably that people are not going to blindly vote D or R just because they have done so in the past. Independants elected Obama and they won the MA Senate seat for the GOP-- effectively derailing Obamacare (for now anyway).

My sincere hope is that the recent popularist backlash is a permanent shift in the way Americans vote during all future elections on the city, state and federal levels. If this latest shift in the publics attitude is just another mindless trend that is going to leave just as quickly as it entered, then we, and by we I mean all American's, should just shut up and keep eating the bullshit we are being fed by our politicians.

If we are not willing to take an active interest in the people that we put into power, then we deserve to be taken advantage of. No more mindless D or R button pushing--- It is time to plant our own flag in the ground and make our voices heard. The excuse that there isn't a viable third party candidate isn't an excuse anymore. Independents are deciding Senatorial, Congressional and Presidential elections. If there was ever a time in this countries history to make the political landscape a three team race, it's now.

Update to yesterday's blog about the KSM trial in NYC

Copy and paste the above link into your browser.

One billion dollars. Yes, you read that correctly. One billion dollars to put a cockroach on trial in NYC. One billion dollars and the Mayor does not want the trial here in the first place.

During yesterdays farce of the union Obama said that this countries elected officials were put in power to serve the people. Which people are those? Khalid Sheik Mohammad?

The mayor announced that he is going to cut 4000+ city jobs. People don't have money to pay their rent. National UE is above 10%, and the price tag to protect our citizens from this piece of shit is 1 billion dollars?

This situation is so absurd it's almost funny. Unfortunetly, it's also very tragic and nauseating.

Source: Getbig.coms political board

By way of youtube.

This video is too f'ing funny. I had to add it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The battle for hearts and minds is pointless when those you are trying to win over possess neither- George Whorewell Circa 2009

With the plethora of problems facing President Obama and the first state of the union adress of his tenure only hours away, the impending trial of 911 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammad being forcefed to NYC has largely been ignored by the media.

Thankfully, not everyone is ignoring my biggest gripe with Obama and his cronies-- The handling of national security issues, the KSM trial and his stance against terrorism.

As Michael Goodwin points out in today's NY Post, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly and Mayor Bloomberg were never even asked for their opinion or consulted about the KSM trial.

Out of thin air Bloomberg and Kelly were telephoned on the same day and told that the trial would be happening in NY federal court. Beyond my own outrage about how reckless, stupid and pointless having a civilian trial in NYC is, the arrogance of Obama and his idiot apointee Eric Holder are what really drive me crazy.

Holder, who testified before Congress a few months back and could provide no logical explanation as to why KSM should be tried in a Manhattan court room in light of the fact that he had already agreed to plead guilty before a military commission and face execution, could only respond by saying that KSM doesn't get to decide how he is prosecuted. Great answer! The monstrous security risks, the hundreds of millions of dollars the trial will cost the city, state and federal government, giving constitutional rights and an open forum to a trio of Islamic psychopaths that will use the trial to degrade America and the memory of those killed on 911--- these issues are all of scant concern to AG Holder. What's important is that KSM not be able to choose how he is prosecuted. Holder neglected to mention that the white shoe 500 dollar an hour law firm he worked for prior to his selection as AG is one of the firms doing pro bono work for Guantanamo detainees. Coincidence?

Treating brainwashed fanatics hell bent on a global political agenda like shop lifters and bank robbers is not only absurd from a legal and moral standpoint. From a logistical standpoint it goes without saying that having a civilian court trial for KSM in NYC is also extremely dangerous and irresponsible. NYC is already a location that makes terrorists and would be terrorists salivate. One would think that two attacks on the twin towers make that point obvious. Having this sham of a trial makes NYC an even bigger target.

But in my opinion, what makes the trial of the 911 masterminds even more ridiculous is the President and AG's refusal to discuss the trial with the mayor or Chief of police in the city where 911 took place. New Yorkers do not want these animals tried in a civilian court room a couple of hundred feet away from ground zero. New Yorkers do not want a five year long circus trial that puts their lives and the lives of their families at risk every day the proceedings continue. New Yorkers do not want to allow this subhuman slime to use the court room as a soap box to demonize America and to use the memory of those killed as a propaganda tool for insane muslim fundamentalists.

But-- Just like this administration was determined to pass healthcare legislation regardless of the publics opinion (until the election in MA put the brakes on that), our voice does not matter.

John Bolton's oped in today's Daily News also gives a brilliant analysis of the Obama administrations incoherent and incompatent (to borrow a phrase from Bolton) plan to fight terrorism. The article can be viewed here:

The title of this posting has to do with what I believe is a totally moronic strategy to utilize when fighting terrorism. Terrorists don't fly the flag of a country, they fly the flag of an agenda. Islamic terrorists as well as their sympathizers and supporters are not going to hold hands with the rest of the world because KSM is receiving a civilian trial. I mean, how fucking naive and stupid is that point of view? Does anyone seriously think that in between suicide bombings and video taped be-headings, an Al Qudea leader is going to magically see the error in his ways and renounce his desire to kill innocent people for the advancement of his warped political and religious beliefs? How about someone that just gives passive support to Al Queda in the form of funding? Will that individual stop donating money to help fuel the cause because KSM gets a lawyer and a jury trial?

We are at war with these people. Until we come to grips with that fact, and accept the reality of the situation, 911 will be nothing but a campaign slogan or a number to call when your neihbor falls and breaks his hip. One lesson that must be learned sooner rather than later is that a war against a clandestine, globalized enemy which is embedded in the civilian population can't be won with suicidal gestures of goodwill designed to make America appear like the "good guys" ( which in itself is an absolute joke-- anyone with the brain of a flea should be able to tell what side America is on)and other pompous displays of virtue that allow our enimies to take advantage of us.

The attempted Xmas bombing provides further evidence that the "hearts and minds" argument is horseshit. The wealthy, well educated son of a banker volunteered to carry out this attack. Apparently the news that Eric Holder was going to try KSM in civilian court didn't move him very much.

Personal Observation for 1 27 10-- What's happening to this city?

What’s Wrong With This City?
Maybe I’ve been in New York City too long. Year after year, and lately, month after month, I watch storefronts vanish and reappear. “Under New Management” soon evaporates into the local Bagel Shop becoming a Hardware store. Not soon after, the Hardware store becomes a South American Chicken restaurant. Then, inevitably, the Chicken restaurant becomes one of three things; (1) Vacant with a ‘For Sale’ sign hanging in the window (usually written by hand on a piece of cardboard or printed in a ghastly bland font on a lifeless piece of corporate stationary with the logo of whichever commercial developer has purchased the property from the bank), (2) A Taco bell/ Pizza hut/ KFC OR Dunkin Donuts/ Baskin Robbins Combo open 24 hours a day , or (3) A bank.
With the country’s economy in financial purgatory, one would think that the strain of the corporate grip on the countries throat would be somewhat lessened. Banks have become economic pariahs. Even the ones fortunate enough to be bailed out can’t be turning a profit at this point in time. How on earth can a Bank of America open a new branch within a two block radius of a Washington Mutual, HSBC, Astoria Savings and a TD Ameritrade? As I drive through Queens and Brooklyn, every other block has a bank with a different logo, or an ATM, or a land developer has put up signs on a construction site which indicate another bank is in the process of being built.
Even more astounding than the seemingly omnipotent ability of banks to expand, is the rash of 24 hour fast food store fronts that dot the landscape in all five boroughs. I used to believe that the people who ran corporations performed profitability analyses of the surrounding area before building a new store. Demographics, the need for the particular product or service in the neighborhood and overall location all seem to be important factors that should be weighed prior to investing the necessary time and resources into the opening of a new business ( at least to me). I find it difficult to believe that having no less than eight Dunkin Donuts/ Baskin Robbins and Pizza Hut/ Taco Bells within a two mile radius surrounding my neighborhood in Queens is the result of sound business judgment.
I keep seeing stories on television and in the newspaper about how the Obama administration is putting pressure on banks to lend money to small investors and potential homeowners. In New York City, Mayor Bloomberg has offered potential small business owners interest free loans to reinvigorate the city’s economy. My question simply is this; Where the hell are all of these people and have any of them received a cent?
A few months ago I drove my mother to one of my favorite restaurants on Woodhaven Boulevard. It was a family owned and operated Peruvian eatery with the best seafood I have ever eaten and the most beautiful waitresses I had ever laid eyes on. In months and years past I had taken my mother there for her birthday, Mothers Day and for other special occasions. Eager to sink my chops into some ceviche I parked the car around the corner. As we walked toward the restaurant I noticed a yellow awning and sign had replaced the festive red and white that adorned Miguelina’s in the past. Initially, I thought the owners had merely changed the design of the building’s façade. However, as we came closer to the entrance, my heart sunk to my stomach. My beautiful sweet Miguelina’s was now El Pollo Loco; A run of the mill chicken shack with paper table cloths and ugly waitresses wearing too much makeup. As my mother and I turned to leave, I thought to myself; “At least they didn’t turn it into a bank or Dunkin Donuts.” Well, not yet anyway.


I expect that for an extended period of time, the only people who will visit this blog will be me, and possibly my deaf Aunt from Wisconsin ( who doesn't know how to use a computer).

If and when anyone else decides to take interest-- This is my house as well as yours. My ODD blog is by and for the people-- and since most people are assholes, I expect that you will respond in kind.

However, while freedom of speech is pretty much absolute around here, please do not abuse it.

No Spam, blatantly racist or harassing postings are allowed. Now, that does not mean you are not allowed to ridicule, insult, berate or poke fun at me or anyone else who posts here. Just keep it within reason please. If you're smart enough to read and use a computer, I think you can figure it out.

All topics are up for grabs-- However, my primary focus will be on politics, personal observations, sports and entertainment.

Warning: I will also go on off topic rants that are totally unrelated to the aforementioned topics. Feel free to remind me that a straight jacket and psychotropic drugs would be more suitable for treating my condition instead of blogging.

Conspiracy theorists, eccentric outcasts, convicted felons and other social pariahs are welcome!