Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Long Long Long Layoff-- Quick rant about libs

To the 4 of you that pay attention to my blog, I apologize for the disappearing act.

Things have been unusually busy lately.

Inception: Best Sci Fi movie of all time (Blade Runner, Clockwork Orange and The Matrix series all get honorable mentions)

The Mets: Suck

The Democratic Party: On the verge of irrelevancy unless the GOP screws it up

The Mosque being built next to ground zero: An attrocity that should never be allowed to happen.

Fedor: Will come back stronger than before and dominate once again.

And now my latest rant-- I promise I will be posting again at least once a week for the forseeable future.

Well it's just courage without consequence.

Libs like to bitch and whine about religion becoming too intertwined with our secular society. They also take shots at the church every single opportunity they can. Finally, Libs also speak in outrageously inaccurate generalities and lump all religions into the same lot without regard for the realities of todays world. You see, for libs truth and reality are not readily definable attributes of the Universe, they are only details that should be harped upon when convenient for the talking points of their ideology. Why do they bow to Islam and demonize religions that have figured out (for quite sometime) how to live in harmony with the secular world? Because confronting evil requires the acceptance that there is evil in the world and that the existentialist mindset is nothing more than a diversion perpatrated by ivory tower academics that is used to brainwash impressionable college students into the belief that the world is whatever they imagine it to be.

It is much easier to take shots at the peaceful and complacent than it is to directly challenge the violent and deranged. Think of it as bullying the meek, silent type in the schoolyard while allowing the stupid, crazy kid who carries a switch blade in his book bag to run amok. It's easy to pretend your a champion of "freedom" and "expression" when the only real threat to freedom and expression is glossed over and directly ignored in plain view.

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