Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Intolerable Tolerance

When the possibility of the KSM trial unfolding in lower Manhattan seemed like an inevitable reality, I remembered something that I had learned at a very young age when following politics. Ideology usually trumps principle and negative press usually trumps both. Of course, the unalienable truth of this statement was trumped by Obamacare, whose passage was the negative result of negative press, negative opinion polls, negative public sentiment, negative economic ramifications and untold negative consequences that will plague this country for years to come. In that single instance, ideology trumped all. But for the left, Universal Healthcare (or anything like it) is more akin to a true believers homage to a false prophet before drinking the cult Kool Aid in preparation for the alien invasion, rather than a coherent social or fiscal policy. Better to have passed the legislation and die politically, than squander the Congressional majority and lose the opportunity to attempt such a grand feat again.

But issues concerning national defense, terrorism, foreign policy and military matters (which are beyond the comprehension of most Democrats to begin with) are not ideological holy grails that liberal politicians are willing to throw themselves to the wolves over. Sure, they may support this asinine policy or that asinine policy, but if they value their political capital and their jobs, chances are that they will dance to the tune that the public sounds regardless of their own alleged beliefs.

The Ground Zero Mosque is, in my opinion, nothing more than a trophy for the sick, demented Islamic plague that is multiplying like a deadly virus under the Obama administrations watch. I don't want to hear any hogwash about the Constitution of the United States. This isn't a constitutional issue. I also don't want to hear a peep about religious tolerance, because I am sick and tired of being forced to tolerate the continued mockery of my country and everything that it stands for by twisted Muslim fanatics and their apologetic enablers. Finally, I ESPECIALLY do not want to hear a single syllable about the separation between church and state. Up until this point in time, the proponents of this mosque monstrosity have used the separation of church and state (along with the equal monstrosity of political correctness) like a blunt object to beat any traditional notions of God and the Judeo-Christian tradition out of American life with the ferocity that Leukemia uses to attack a White Blood Cell. No more nativity scenes in public places, can't say 'God' in the pledge of allegiance, can't invoke the name of "God" during a high school graduation ceremony, and on and on and on. Now all of a sudden, when a radical imam with ties to Islamic fundamentalist groups, who supports Sharia law, refuses to denounce Islamic terrorism, and blames America for the 911 attacks decides to build a 14 story Mosque at a site within a stone throw of Ground Zero, everyone should just shut up and be supportive in the name of tolerance?

In what grand American tradition should we show our support? Religious freedom-- the separation between church and state?---Ah, I nailed it! How about stupidity? This is outright madness. Not only has this unapologetic piece of Camel dreck thumbed his nose at the 911 victims families and said publicly that he is against interfaith dialogue ( the supposed purpose of building the mosque in the first place) but he has refused to reveal who is funding the Ground Zero project (as required by law). Undoubtedly, the funds will come from some anonymous Islamic charities with ties to Saudi Arabia and Iran. In a way this project makes perfect sense for the direction that America is headed. We can continue to help spread Islamic terrorism throughout the United States by green lighting the construction of more Mosques so radical clerics can continue the advancement of another bedrock American tradition -- suicide. With immigration, the economy, foreign policy and now, the building of domestic houses of worship-- let's stop messing around and really try to kill this country as quickly as possible.

In America today, the public is constantly told to keep a low profile about "sensitive issues" to avoid offending others. That is of course, unless we are talking about offending Judeo-Christian heterosexuals that live in America legally and have minds of their own. Then, tolerance means accepting every indignity and sickening display imaginable. However, I have a solution to this problem and I learned it from the brilliance of Islam. Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and the like should get together and organize interfaith terrorist organizations that exclude Islam and target world governments. Next, the interfaith terror groups should recruit Martyrs for the cause from North and South America and Africa, India, Russia and Israel. Once we have collected the necessary soldiers, we should send them to target any and everyone that doesn't bend to our will and most especially the Muslim community. Suicide bombings, rocket attacks, random shootings and targeted explosions should be used at all Muslim religious institutions, against politicians that take up the Muslim cause, newspapers that print things we find offensive, any and all military installations of countries that refuse to meet our demands, TV stations that broadcast programs we find offensive and writers that produce novels and short stories that we find incendiary.

Next, we should build as many interfaith religious buildings as possible to funnel money to our terrorist groups (the militant wing of our cause) and then denounce our opponents as bigoted.

If we can keep this up for a sustained period of time ( 5-10 years) people across the globe will fear us as much as they fear Muslims and we can get television programs pulled, books and music censored, houses of worship built on sites that we destroyed and our own special places to sit at ball games, airports and restaurants.

In short, I don't feel like highlighting my more muted objections to the Cordoba House project because I believe strongly that the 2 or 3 of you that read my blog have more intelligence than something I would step on that was scurrying around my apartment when I turned the lights on. Obviously, it's insensitive, unnecessary, offensive and is strongly opposed by the majority of 911 victims family's, Americans and New Yorkers. There are thousands of other places to put this terrorist house of worship besides next to Ground Zero. No one contests the legality to build the Ground Zero mosque, but that doesn't mean it should be built-- Just like the "Museum of Slavery" shouldn't be put next to NAACP headquarters and the PLO War Hero's Memorial shouldn't be put next to the Israeli Consulate.

For a much more eloquent and well written analysis of the Ground Zero Project-- Check out Jonah Goldberg in today's NY Post--

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