Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Grim Prediction I made in February 2009

From a thread I started at, February 12, 2009

So far, I take absolutely no pleasure in being correct.

Beyond this farce of a stimulus package and the depressing state of the job market, is anyone else starting to feel like our way of life is on the brink of collapse.

The bible says the meek shall inherit the earth. From my vantage point it appears the poor, lazy, stupid and slime masquerading as politicians shall inherit the earth.

This stimulus package is bad for numerous reasons which I'm not going to get into ad nauseum. However, what really scares me is that this Stimulus package is exactly like the AUMF that gave Bush the Congressional blank check to go into Iraq. Why do you ask? 9/11 was a national emergency- this economy is an emergency- Both Presidents used fear to get their mandates passed. Obama's pompous and laughable " just pass it, dont read it" mentality reminds me exactly of the uber patriotic morons that would jump down your throat if you didn't support going into Iraq without properly considering the consequences.

What was the result under Bush? A deeply divided country, resources squandered fighting a war against a country that didn't attack us instead of using it against the Taliban/ AlQueda, thousands of US soldiers dead and a military defense budget bloated to the point of absurdity.

Whats going to happen under Obama? copy and paste the above, except apply it to the economy. Economic protectionism, sky high taxes, shamelessly wasteful pork expenditures and a stranglehold on private capital and banks= Recipe for disaster. Forget about the fact that history has shown us that stimulus packages dont work-- Obama, in a stunning act of incompetence made the moronic assertion that if we dont pass the stimulus package, America will turn into the Japan of 10 years ago. Had he bothered to do any research into what caused Japan's "lost decade" he would realize it was a misguided and failed attempt of the Japanese government to revive the economy by passing legislation with almost equivalent aims to his stimulus package. But I digress-- As the CEO of GE put it a few days ago- This package is like giving someone who is on life support a new suit. I guess he didn't bother to prepare for that part of the press conference in light of those hardball queries he received about Alex Rodriguez using steroids, and about the "alleged" terrorists in Pakistan.

Whats the difference here? The republicans didn't sign on lock stock and barrel like the democrats did for the AUMF. Why? Because they aren't in control of Congress or the white-house anymore. They aren't running for re-election and more than half the American people dont like the stimulus package.

One scary thought someone I saw on TV had about the Obamanomics-- If 40% of the country pays 100% of the countries taxes, the party that is in power will never relinquish it because they'll always have the 60% majority.

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