Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Taking a break from politics to vent about Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Maybe I am just too "cool" to enjoy things for what they are. I'm the type of person who hates when songs that I like become popular. Once that occurs and the song is constantly on the radio or on television, the song is immediately deleted from Itunes and stricken from my memory. Once facebook and myspace took off, it was time for me to delete both. Now that everyone has blackberry messenger, I refuse to use it.

I have the same attitude toward television shows. For instance, I absolutely detest Family Guy. The first 4 seasons are hysterical. However, once FG started going into reruns on 8 different channels and Seth McFarland decided to use the show as a mindless platform for political commentary, gross out humor and hackneyed pop culture references,I decided to boycott the show.It was almost as if once the show reached legendary status, McFarland decided to make the show as predictable, stupid and unfunny as possible. Aqua Teen Hunger Force is or was rather, one of the funniest shows I had ever seen. The first four seasons were absolute perfection. Every single episode was funny and was worthy of watching in reruns over and over again.

Season 5 was not as good as the first four, but it was still pretty good and two thirds of the episodes were on par with the first 4 seasons.

Season 6 was ok-- So-so and for the first time the show went from hysterical without any gimmicks to lots of shock value bullshit and cartoonish violence to compensate for mediocre writing.

Season 7 is absolutely unwatchable. Not even remotely funny at all.

My question is WHY!?!?!

Is there some unwritten rule among the creators of TV shows that once the show is great, it's time to totally destroy it?

I would honestly prefer the show be taken off the air and forced into re-reuns than be dumbed down to the painfully unfunny bs it's putting out now.

Popularity seems to be the death knell for a lot of my favorite shows-- especially the ones on Adult Swim. The Venture Brothers, Sealab, Harvey Birdman and now ATHF have all gone in the toilet following the same formula once they became staples of the Adult Swim lineup.

The drop off between a relatively weak season 6 and a so far almost unwatchable season 7 is extremely pronounced. Season 6 was far from spectacular, but at least some episodes were pretty good and most episodes were decent. This season has been nothing short of painful. I was willing to give it a chance, but I think I am pulling the plug on my fandom with the show.

When I first starting watching ATHF, all my friends thought I had lost my mind. Now, all of my friends check it out when it's on and constantly quote funny lines from our favorite episodes. The show has been on for about eight years now. After almost 100 episodes and a full length movie (which was pretty damn good), I have to say I am impressed with the longevity of the series. I would venture to bet that when the show began the creators didn't think that they could churn out 100 episodes and a movie about a meatball, french fries, a milkshake and their fat neighbor in South Jersey. Maybe they just have run out of ideas.

So far this season, the show has had absolutely no entertainment value outside of an occasionally funny joke, idiotic guest appearances and mindless violence.

The biggest problem with season 7 in my opinion is Shake. I feel like they are over-writing and under thinking his lines on the show. If you compare Shake from the first few seasons to now, he isn't even the same character anymore. The creators have attempted to make him too human and have turned him from a hysterical sociopath into a complete douchebag that is simply not funny. His selfish antics, delusions of grandeur and constant abuse of Meatwad are what made him (next to Carl) the best character on the show. Now he's whiny, emotional, corny and last but not least hella unfunny. Dana Synders talent is being completely wasted in my opinion.

Are the equally unfunny tools from that god awful Tim and Eric show writing for ATHF now?

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