Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Comical Outrage of the left over the exposure of Al Qaeda attorneys

As I have mentioned on more than one occasion, I think Eric Holder is a smug, slimy ( my sincere apologies to slime for bringing about such an unflattering comparison to Eric Holder), holier than thou con man who represents everything I despise about Washington D.C.

Of course there are numerous reasons why I feel so negatively about Holder-- the least of which was his most recent attempt to railroad my hometown into having a criminal trial for KSM and the other 911 masterminds.

The main reason that I found Holder's defiant attitude particularly disturbing, was that the law firm where Holder was employed prior to his selection as AG was one of the most active law firms in representing Guantanamo detainees. While this development is not exactly earth shattering, it represents another cog in the Obama administrations ideological wheel that once again reveals a partisan agenda that is at odds with the best interests of the American people. KSM was going to plead guilty before military tribunal and was going to be executed. Holder put the kibosh on that plan (as he succinctly stated before Congress) because KSM doesn't get to choose the justice he encounters for his crimes!!!! ( Only Eric Holder gets to choose). And gee golly-- After the public backlash and Obama stating repeatedly that he was going to reconsider the idea, Holder still was insistent that a criminal trial in NYC would occur. Do you think that his behavior has anything to do with his desire to placate his radical leftist pals from his good old 500$ an hour white shoe law firm?

However-- that was nothing. It has now come to light that Holder has appointed many former Al Qaeda lawyers to the justice department, including several in the National Security Division. Now-- I know what you may be thinking. Isn't that a good thing-- Don't we want people on our side that have knowledge of the other side? The best defense attorneys are former prosecutors and vice versa..... Yeah-- under normal circumstances I wouldn't object. However, as the following article outlines, that is simply not the case here. It appears that Holder has put radical ideologues in key positions at the Dept. Of Justice. Whats worse, Holder has bent over backward to withhold as much information as possible about these appointees.

PS- The phony outrage the left has shown over the exposure of these lawyers makes me want to laugh until I vomit. Does anyone remember the ACLU's active smear campaign to publicly expose CIA interrogators last year-- because (interestingly enough) the Guantanamo detainees had the "right" to confront their accusers? Or-- how about the even more absurd Witch hunt perpetrated by the left to arrest, try and imprison all of the Bush administration cabinet members and lawyers for the enhanced interrogation tactics used by the CIA after 911?

Give me a fucking break.

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