Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Quick thought on Obamacare-- (much more to follow)

Convenient Morality

Over the last few days I have casually tuned in to watch the cable news talking heads. Most of them had a member of Congress or the Senate on their program to discuss Obamacare.
One thing I found fascinating was that there were actually some liberal politicians who went on TV and stated unequivocally that healthcare is a "moral" issue, and that being fiscally irresponsible in order to be morally responsible was warranted. These same politicians also made it pretty clear that they didn't care if voting for Obamacare meant they would be voted out of office.
What I find surreal about these statements is that liberals have fought tooth and nail for years to keep "morality" out of every single facet of American life. Hardcore pornography is art, laws regulating birth control and private conduct such as homosexuality are all unconstitutional and so on. Beyond the aforementioned, we should also bare in mind the rabid and often superfluous legal challenges issued by leftists over the separation of church and state. Morality: No! Science: Yes! --
I actually agree with this line of thinking to a large degree. The rule of law in this country has time and time again put forth the mantra that in America you cannot legislate morality.
However, the battle over healthcare seems to have thrown what has become an increasingly predictable philosophy on its head. All of a sudden, the continued proliferation of the biggest Ponzi scheme on the planet—(I.E. US Government Programs and Entitlements) is now an issue of moral concern and legislation should be implemented on a largely opposed public regardless of the cost. I wonder how these politicians that claim healthcare is a moral issue would react to a parallel argument being waged that espoused a similar view with respect to the United States fighting overseas or increasing taxes to inflate the military’s budget in the name of morality. Beyond the apparent contradiction at work here, My question is this—If states go bankrupt, individuals are subject to monetary penalties for not purchasing health insurance and an already anemic economy falls into further disrepair as a result of Obamacare, will the issue still be one of morality? With the state that this country is in today, aren't moral and fiscal responsibility one in the same?

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