Wednesday, February 3, 2010

DOG IN WET RUST--- Artificial Laws for world filled with trap doors

Random thoughts-->

Note to self: If there was ever any question as to whether law is man made or god made consider this—Getting caught with an illegal gun in NYS is a mandatory 2 year jail term regardless of the situation or circumstance (1st time offender etc.). However, the NYPD has a policy where individuals can go to their local police precinct and receive cash back for their illegal gun on the spot. The sign even says “No Questions Asked”. The NYPD also has gun drives where entire communities can come out to an organized illegal gun buy back with the police. Individuals can get anywhere between 100 and 300 bucks depending on what condition the gun is in. So I ask—What if you are arrested while bringing a gun to your local precinct, or are en route to one of these organized gun buy back events? How can the police with good conscience can put you in jail and comparatively, how can an arrestee realistically convince the cops that they are carrying a concealed fire arm in good faith? The answer—it’s all chance, it’s all luck, it’s all bullshit.

Another scenario to ponder is this—In NYS you must retreat if possible before physically defending yourself, a rule that is not followed by the majority of states.

Now, when considering the aforementioned stringency of NY’s gun laws, imagine a scenario where you are carrying an illegal fire arm. Maybe you live in a bad neighborhood, maybe your on the way to drop the gun off at the precinct, or maybe you’re a local business owner bringing the days take to the bank. The circumstances really don’t matter for all intents and purposes. Say an individual or group of individuals accosts you and pulls out a gun. What do you do? Are you going to turn your back on someone who is threatening you with a gun and run for daylight, all the while praying that the perpetrator has bad aim? Maybe the guy threatening you has a crowbar, or a knife, or a machete—what then?

Some people would cower and pray, others would run, some would try to fight their way to safety. However, if you had a loaded pistol in your possession and feared for your life, why hesitate to use it?

Now, assuming you were justified in your actions, and you kill or injure the other guy—What becomes of the gun that according to NY law you should not have been carrying in the first place? Does the choice become death, or 2 years in jail? Beats the hell out of me.

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