Thursday, April 1, 2010

A rare but spectacular voice shatters the depravity of the death cult known as fundamentalist Islam

Very often I have nothing but horrible things to say about the Muslim religion. In my opinion it is the single biggest threat to civilized society on all four corners of the globe. It is in many respects a backward, barbaric and disgusting cult masquerading as a religion. In today's world Islam is a shining example of intolerance, stupidity and slavery.

While I am sure that a large number of peaceful, moderate Muslims who practice their religion without malice for infidel non-believers such as myself exist, their voices are virtually inaudible. Many do not speak out against the lunatics at the forefront of their faith because they fear for their safety and the safety of their families. Others are simply cowards and would rather make every single excuse under the sun ( right out of the American Liberal play book) as to why Islam breeds terror, hatred, the oppression of women and every other single atrocity imaginable. From India, to the Sudan, England, Spain, Russia, America, Denmark and beyond--- nobody is safe from the radical Islamic animals that span the world.

However-- today I have to take pause and give respect where it is due. One brave woman had the guts to go on television in front of the entire Muslim world and tell the truth. One housewife from Saudi Arabia demonstrated more testicular fortitude, reason and intelligence than the rest of the world's Muslim leaders combined ( and the parade of spineless jelly fish who enable the Muslim fanatics by kissing their rear ends in the name of political correctness). Her name is Hissa Hilal and of all places, she decided to make her feelings known on the Arabic version of American idol. Clad from head to toe in a Burqa, Hilal went on live television and openly criticized the violent and suppressive nature of Fundamentalist Islam and the clerics who issue Fatwas (Declarations by imams that incite violence-- ala Salman Rushdie, the Mohammad cartoon controversy in Denmark etc.)

The full story can be read here: Arabic idol finalist riles hard-liners in Middle East -

In closing, I just wanted to once again shower this brave woman with as much praise as possible. She put her neck on the line to tell the truth and bring attention to a problem that affects every single one of us.